About Vetzone

Who we are

Vetzone Ltd is an Irish owned and managed buying group aimed at supporting independent veterinary practices.

At Vetzone we recognise that the primary role of a vet should be to help your customers and patients. Unfortunately as our market becomes more competitive the day to day aspects of running a business pulls vets away from this side of their practice.

Our primary focus as a buying group is to use our strength as a group of practices to lever the best deals available on pharmaceuticals, goods and services while also managing the administrative burden associated with them, allowing our vets to be vets.

Many of Vetzone's members are also shareholders in the business and directors on our board. This allows us to stay closely aligned with the needs of independent vets and practices and ensures that we keep the interest of our members at the forefront of our efforts.

Membership in the buying group is open to any independent veterinary practice. We do not make you sign a contract or place any restriction or penalty on how long you join us for. We welcome all types of veterinary practices, regardless of species orientation and treat all our members equally regardless of size.

We pride ourselves on our excellent industry wide reputation, our transparency, honesty and the ease, accuracy and reliability of our service.


What our members say about us

Vetzone membership has allowed us to focus on the clinical care of our patients safe in the knowledge that Vetzone are looking after our interests in negotiating with our suppliers.

Mike Woods M.V.B Cert. V. Ophthal. M.R.C.V.S
Primrose Hill Veterinary Hospital